Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 8 December 2008

Punk baby!

What are you looking at... never seen such a cute baby?

Mummy's daily routine

Joshton celebrated his full month last Saturday and we would like to thank all 'uncles & aunties' for their nice gifts and angbaos (which will be going to his endowment fund) for our dear boy.

Just realised that I forgot to change the setting to allow for comments on this blog! Thanks to hubby's fren for pointing that out :) So please feel free to leave your comments!

The past week has been real tiring, as my MIL went back after my confinement month and I have to do wake up for the nite duties. Barely had much sleep, plus Joshton has colic as well, so getting real cranky all week. We had a difficult time pacifying and calming him down. Let me describe my 3-hour repeat daily routine, and you will see why I'm so shack!

1 hour - Feeding
Gosh, my dear boy really is a super slow drinker! He takes 1 whole hour just to finish one feed, till my legs and hands get cramped.

1 hour - Carrying & rocking
Wonder if we have spoilt him! So the next hour after each feed is to rock him and try to put him back to the cot to sleep, which is such a tall task as he stirs everytime he touches the cot and starts to wail again.

1/2 hour - Pump milk
1/2 hour - wash & sterilise bottles / have my meals / bath

And it repeats again for the whole day! So being a mummy is having panda eyes, feeling like a cow and have aching pains from my back down to my finger tips....haha how wonderful :P

I'm really thankful to my MIL for helping out during the 1st month, and my mum now for cooking my meals and doing the household chores. Every minute of rest time is so precious now. Haiz...the newspapers and magazines have been piling up in my living room....hope I can find time to finish reading them!