Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 21 June 2009

Now an expert crawler

Watch Josh crawl with confidence across his bedroom. Many thanks to Serene for sharing the video rotating software with me! :)

Please help this feisty princess

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

I couldn't control my tears when i read little Charmaine's blog. The feisty 4-year old girl is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and needs to raise half a million for treatment in New York. You will be touched by her courage and spirit to fight the illness.

My personal appeal to all friends who are reading this..... As a mummy, I understand the pain of Charmaine's mother to save her precious baby's life, no matter how low the odds are. Please click on the web banner to go to her blog where you can find the details to help her.

Monday 1 June 2009

New photos

Just to share some new photos which daddy has just downloaded, taken a few weeks ago when Joshton still had his crowning glory.

Tracking Joshton's development

Joshton is 7 months now! In terms of development, he responds very well to his name, recognises his favourite tunes, says "ma ma" and "pa pa" easily, knows how to clap his hands together, laughs and giggles when tickled or playing peek-a-boo, sits rather well without support for a short while, imitates sounds such as clicking of the tongue and leopard crawls across the floor.

As for his nutrition, I have started him on rice cereal, porridge, fish, carrots, pumpkin, apples. bananas, peas, pears, papaya, potatoes, watermelon and baby biscuits. It's quite a breeze starting him on solids as he is a greedy baby and takes everything that we feed him. I would introduce a new food to him each week to let him try a wide variety of food. Planning to try avocados this week!

Character wise, he seems to be an impatient child, quick to throw tantrums but also easily pacified once he gets what he wants. Being the only baby in the family, he gets a lot of attention as he's the little precious darling. And so now he's afraid to be left alone even for a few minutes. If he sees you walking away, he will start whining or crying out for you. We need to slowly teach him to be more independent. He seems keen to learn with a curious mind but is easily distracted by any noise. He's not a cry baby, as long as he's well-fed, has enough sleep and someone to play with. He's a brave little boy and is not afraid of strangers or any loud noises such as thunder.

From his growth chart, it looks like Joshton will be a tall little boy....he outgrows his rompers so fast that some of them were barely worn. I must control the urge and temptation to buy too many cute little baby clothings....arghhh....a tall task for a mummy shopaholic!

At birth
Weight: 2.845kg
Length: 50cm
Head circumference: 34cm

4 weeks
Weight: 4.58kg
Length: 56cm
Head circumference: 38cm

4 months
Weight: 7.3kg (75-90%)
Length: 64cm (75%)
Head circumference: 41cm (50-75%)

6.5 months
Weight: 8.4kg (50-75%)
Length: 71cm (75-90%)
Head circumference: 42cm (10-25%)

Baby Botak

After months of deliberating whether to shave Joshton's hair, we finally did it! We brought him to a neighbourhood hair salon and he was a really good boy, didn't cry or struggle during the shave. It was all done in less than 5 mins, pretty painless for us. We were initially worried about bringing him to a normal salon which might not know how to handle a baby compare to those specialised kids salons in town. It was his first haircut after all, so we were pretty excited about it (or should I say it's just me, being an anal mummy :P). And hey, actually he doesn't look that bad botak! Now that little hair stubbles have started to grow, it's nice to rub his little head which feels as soft as a carpet.