Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Little chatterbox...

Do you think Baby Josh's trying to sing a song or just yakking non-stop? Wonder what's he trying to say......

Mummy's boy

When mummy is in the room........all smiles and cheery

When mummy starts walking out from the room......

When mummy still do not turn back ..........

8 months!

8 months
Weight = 8.8 kg (50-75%)

My precious darling is 8 months and 1 week as of today. Now that he has become very mobile and started to crawl and climb everywhere, poor mummy n daddy are all tired trying to keep our eyes on him at all times and to keep him away from dangerous sharp corners. Like an energizer bunny, he can bounce non-stop while clinging on to the railings of his cot. But as he's still not stable in standing, the poor boy suffered a few knocks on his head which luckily was cushioned by the cot bumper.