Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Drama day at the hospital

It was another busy afternoon in office yesterday when my mum gave me a call from the clinic. My poor baby had fallen down at home and had a nasty cut under his chin. I got a bit panicky when the GP said it was an open wound and I should bring him to KKH to check if he needed any stitches. Gosh, must be a bad one! Rushing madly home thinking of the worst, I was relieved to find Josh looking like his normal self, with a plaster on his chin. The GP made it sound so bad over the phone!

So off we went to KKH A&E dept and oh boy, that's where the nitemare started! I saw the cut for the first time when the doctor took off the plaster, about 1.5cm long. The doctor's diagnosis was that although the cut was wide, it was not a deep one, so no stitches required. She would use tissue glue or a 3M special sticker to close up the wound. At first, 2 nurses tried to clean his wound and put the sticker on, but Josh was crying and struggling so hard that it was an impossible task. So they had to call for back up for a male nurse, who recommended using the tissue glue method after consulting the doctor again, as an active baby like Josh would probably try to peel off the sticker. Poor Josh was strapped down and bundled up as he was struggling too hard and it took 4 nurses to do the job (1 to hold down his body, 1 to hold his head, 1 to close and hold the wound and 1 to apply the glue). Heart-pained to see him crying so hard, face all red and almost choking on his saliva. Even after the ordeal was over, it took quite a while to calm him down. My poor little darling :(

After all the drama yesterday, I thought all should be well till I got a wakeup call from my mum this morning. Josh has rubbed off part of the tissue glue in his sleep, so part of the wound is opened again. So it's back to the doc again! Hope he will be a good boy and keep his hands off his chin!

Some useful knowledge every parent should know, which we learned yesterday:
1) Do not feed your child any water or food after a fall, as the child needs to fast for 3 hours if GA is necessary for stitches.
2) If there is a head injury, vomiting or unconsciousness, bring the child immediately to the A&E.