Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 7 February 2010

New words

Our little chatterbox has learned quite a few new words here's an update on his 'sometimes not so accurate' vocabulary of spoken words.

Animals: dog-bark-woa woa, cat-meow, duck-ark ark, cow-moo, panda, skunk, bird-fly, baa-baa (sheep), ma (horse), crab, snake-ssss, bear, ger (tiger), pard (leopard), fish, bug, pig-orh orh & barney!

Family & people: mommy, papa, ma (ah-ma), gong (ah-gong), gu-gu, jie jie, kor kor, bao-bei (precious, which is himself)

Food: milk or neh-neh, nana (banana), papa (papaya), per (apple), grapes, cake (or for biscuit), mum mum (for food),

Body: hair, nose, eyes, mouth, back, bird (my mum taught him that for u noe where!)

Things in the house, chair, cup, clock, book, ball, shoes, pants

Others: bus, car, boat, truck, star, don't want, mei-you (don't have), hua (flower), good, bright bright, dark dark, purple, ger (triangle)

Things he can recognise but can't say: tree, head, ears, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers, legs, tummy, belly button, toes, monkey, piano, cloud, orange, strawberry, bed, table, fan, lizard, spider, light

We have been teaching him through pictures and sight all these while, so I think it's time to try alphabets n words. My first attempt using flash cards of animal names that he knows seemed quite positive, and he also showed interest in the alphabet mat which I laid out on the floor. It's a good will try more words next weekend :)

Tuesday 2 February 2010


Daddy managed to secure free corporate passes to the zoo, so off we went on Saturday morning. Maybe Josh was tired out from the trip to Sentosa the day before, so he didn't seem excited to see the animals, many which he has seen the pictures from his books. The only place which he got pretty excited was the sight of the toys at the shop in the kids park!

Joshton staring at Inuka the Polar Bear

Punky new haircut to the beach

Last Friday we brought Joshton to Sentosa to have some fun at the beach. His only outing at the beach was a long time ago when he was 6 months, and he was too young then to play (he actually slept through the whole time at the beach!).

It was a fine sunny day and we drove to Vivocity for lunch first to avoid the peak hour entry of $7. Call me cheapskate but that's very expensive compared to $2 from noon to 2pm. We also decided to hop over to Toys"R"Us to try out the kids hairsalon. Josh's hair was getting too long and I am starting to get weird questions from strangers like "Is your baby a boy or a girl?"!!!

We were attended by a nice auntie, and I was impressed that she managed to make a decent haircut for our restless boy whose itchy backside cannot sit still for a minute. And hairdresser auntie finished off by styling a spiky hair look with a bit of gel. Finally Josh has a big boy haircut! Hope it will last till chinese new year :)

So here are the photos of Josh with his punky hair, playing at the beach!