Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Development update: 16 months

The main reason why I started this blog is to track the growth development of Joshton. Babies grow up so fast, from cradle to running toddlers before you know it...this blog is a chronicle which will help me relive the memories of his growing up years.

At 16 months:

Height = 82cm

Weight = 11kg

Teeth: It's a real challenge to trick him to open his mouth wide, so I could only do a quick count when he's laughing heartily. He seems to have 17-18 teeth, but at his age he should have just 16 teeth.

Speech: He always repeat the last word of our sentences, if it's not more than 2 syllables. As for linking 2 words together, I only heard him say "go away" (when I scream at my dog to stay away from Josh) and "throw away".

Diet: Omigosh this little fellow is one fussy guy! Always rejects the nice, healthy (but bland) food that mummy spent lots of effort and love to cook. He will take one mouthful n spit it out if it's not salty or tasty enough for his fussy tastebuds. He's not into porridge or rice too, which is a headache. So till now he is still mainly on milk feeds. Frens & family have commented that he looks much thinner, but I do not want him to cultivate bad eating habits and just eat saltish or sugary food. Hopefully he will start accepting the healthier stuff.

Josh learns ABC

Josh learns his ABCs and says his own name :)

Monday 8 March 2010

Joshton can say his name!

At 16 months, Joshton finally can say his own name. He says it in a funny but very cute and lovable way. Hope I can capture it down on video and post it here.

He's current learning letters and alphabets, rattling off 1-10 in English and Mandarin, as well as repeating after us from A-Z. Josh likes to read books, and new books usually can capture his attention for quite a while. So thank goodness there is a library at the mall nearby, so we can easily borrow books for him instead of buying, cos he gets tired of them very fast.

Josh's misadventures

The past month has been such a busy and eventful one that I barely had time and energy to update this space. In a nutshell, here's a summary of Josh's misadventures in the past weeks:

- CNY eve: high fever almost 39 degrees. Didn't sleep the whole nite as I was monitoring his temperature and sponging him to bring down the fever. Lasted till CNY.
- 1 week later: Josh fell down again and cut the same spot on his chin :( I thought the previous wound had split open as it was bleeding quite badly, but it was a blessing that the cut wasn't very deep this time.
- following week: cranky baby with flu. runny nose like opening tap.

Finally this week he has recovered and this weekend I can finally bring him for his long overdued vaccination.