Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday 31 March 2011

Looking for a new place to call home....

We have moved! Last few weeks were hectic ones... busy packing, moving and final cleaning up before we handed over the apartment to the new owners. Honestly, I felt rather sad to leave the place which has been my cosy home for the past 7-8 was the first place I owned, with many beautiful memories. I will miss the fantastic "million $" view, the fresh air high up there, the convenience right beside the mall, mrt and interchange, the playground downstairs which Josh loved to go, the club nearby with a great swimming pool for kids, and so much more. The past months we have been actively looking for a new dream home, but other than one that we just missed out buying, all the other viewings were just not the ideal home we are searching for. And so our long search continues on....

The advantage of camping at my mum's place is that we get to see Josh everyday and I get a report of the things that he did for the day. Here are some things that we did.....

Bringing him to school for the first time...

Josh proudly showing the word "Apple" that he has written
Josh's drawing of "Under the sea" - bubbles & seaweed

In the last 2 weeks staying together, we witnessed many funny moments with Josh too....

Incident 1: Shows that he has been watching too much tv ads
At the coffee shop having lunch last Sun, I ordered a glass of barley..
Josh: (Pointing to glass) I want Tiger Beer
Everyone: ............
Mummy: Eh what did you say?
At a closer look, the glass containing the barley had a tiger beer logo!

Incident 2: Confirm chop he is a left brain child
Mummy: Look at the blue sky, what do you see?
Josh: Clouds
Mummy: Yes, lots of clouds in the sky. If you look carefully you might spot some animals and different shapes in the clouds (trying to inspire his creativity n imagination)
Mummy: ....................

Incident 3: Trying to keep him off the floor when ah gong was mopping
Mummy: Imagine you are on a boat (he was on the sofa and struggling to come down) and the floor is the sea, full of water. So you can't step off the boat as there are a lot of sharks in the sea
Josh: Joshton step on the shark
Mummy: .....................

 I can definitely count on my dear boy to surprise me with something everyday :D

Sunday 6 March 2011

Another child assessment...

About 2 weeks ago, we brought Josh for a complimentary child developing assessment at a commercial brain development centre. Starting with a few simple games, the coordinator was able to zoom in on his weak points in learning - short attention/focus and not attentive in listening or observing visually to instructions given. Basically he will just pay attention and follow the first 1-2 instructions for each game and then ignore the rest and do his own things or start to grab something else. The coordinator commented that he is good in language and memory but we need to build on his weak points as those would hinder his learning. Next was to the gym to check out his gross motor skills....which as expected, Josh was very hesitant and clinging on to the coordinator for dear life when he tried to put him up on a walking board above the ground (about my waist level). I have to admit Hubby and I were very bad, giggling behind while watching them struggling with each other. We knew it won't be easy. 2 other kids there (one was a 2-yr old ger) were happily monkeying around, climbing the ladders and jumping up and down, without any sense of fear. Hence the coordinator concluded that Josh has a lot of fear and poor judgement of height and danger.

So I'm planning to sign Josh up for gym classes to build up his gross motor skills, which has been a great concern on my mind for a long time...this month we are busy with packing and moving house (oh dear we are finally moving out soon...gonna miss this place), so will probably start next month. Anyone has good recommendations for gym classes?

Hives Attack!

Josh is down with hives, better known as "feng mo"! This is the first time that he got it, and it's likely triggered by an allergy, which unfortunately the cause is hard to identify. It could be an allergy to food, or insect bite or contact allergy. The poor boy's face is covered with huge nasty red bumps, with some on his arms too. Almost looked he suffered an attack from a bunch of bees. He started having the breakouts on Friday morning, but my mum assumed they were just mosquito bites and sprayed the rooms with insecticide. But the "mosquito bites" kept getting more and more, so she called to inform me and we brought him to the GP immediately.

Just a little funny thing that happened at the doctor's. When we sat down in the doc's room, Josh immediately opened his mouth widely without prompting, cos he thinks it's a standard procedure for the doctor to check his mouth, even though the doc was looking at his arms and face. How I wished he would open his mouth on his own whenever I try to brush his teeth! I have to let him play with brushing my teeth then he would allow me to brush his.

Although hives is not contagious, he will be staying at home tomorrow.. under the close supervision of grandma to stop him from scratching his skin.