Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Going to 30 months....

Josh will be turning 30 months in about a week's time, so here's a little update of his current development...

Physical development
Height - 94cm, which puts him in the 75-90% for his age
Weight - no increase for the last few months, still about 13kg....he's a fussy eater, so got to try to make him eat more!

Reading - he knows most of his English flashcards, so by estimate he can read about 100 words
Singing - this strange little boy no longer sings his songs with the right lyrics, but will replace the lyrics with his own or sings in some weird language but with the same tunes. Like this morning, in the tune of "This Old Man", he sang "Number 1, go to school..." how i missed the past times when he sang the songs properly.
Talking - although he can speak quite a lot of words, he's not very good at holding a proper conversation or expressing his thoughts and feelings verbally like some other kids his age.

Fine Motor Skills
Writing -  he can write from A-Z, 1-10, though not very nicely, but at least we can still make out the letters and numbers

Gross Motor Skills
Glad to say it's improving...he loves to kick a ball and can do it quite well....but we still need to work on it

Social Skills
One day at Little Wings, my mum overheard one little ger saying this to her mummy:
Little ger: I don't like Joshton
Her mummy: Why don't you like him?
Little ger: I said goodbye to him and he ignored me
Her mummy: Oh he's younger than you, so he doesn't know how to

Hmm...little kids can get pretty petty I guess :P But I am glad to say that recently he starts playing and interacting with some of his classmates!! So happy to hear that :)

Terrible Twos going to Horrible Threes Antics
- Yak yak non-stop very loudly from the moment he wakes up...only peaceful moments are when he is asleep
- Broken recorder, everything has to repeat at least 10 times (eg, See, a dragonfly, It's a dragonfly, Oh it's a dragonfly, Where's the dragonfly, See there is the dragonfly...and repeat from start again)
- SUPER DUPER whiny, getting on our nerves at times
- Fickle minded, one moment will say he wants this, next moment he doesn't want it n starts to throw tantrums if you don't give it to him even thou he says he doesn't want it
....but then with a cheeky face like his, it's hard to stay mad at him for long!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Bouncing bunny boy joining our family

Josh is going to be a big brother soon to a baby brother :) yes, i'm expecting a bunny baby and the EDD is end Sept. Being a 2nd time parent, I am much more relaxed this time, and since it's a boy, there isn't much things for us to get as we still have lots of Josh's old clothes n toys. Josh knows that there is a baby growing in mummy's tummy, and I keep telling him he will be a big brother and must sayang the baby. He's so pampered and used to 100% attention from everyone in the family, so hope he will take it well when the baby arrives.

Thou this time round the morning sickness is much better than the first time, I suffer from bad insomnia and migraine almost everyday. Hence most days I am feeling tired and listless, and it's quite hard to keep up with Josh's endless energy and chattiness. Also feeling guilty that I could no longer carry him, but he seems quite understanding most of the time and will turn to his daddy instead to carry him or just give me a big big hug. Now I must prepare myself mentally and physically to handle two boys (the one inside also seems to be an active one, we can see him bouncing around during the scan).....and it sounds like challenging days ahead!