Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 16 May 2011

Super hero Josh

Daddy just came back from US after attending a conference and he brought back a face mask souvenir from a baseball game that he attended. Here's our son pretending to be a super hero with the mask that's too big for him! 

Flash Card Game

Since Josh could read all of his flash cards, we had some fun playing a game yesterday. I asked him to place each flash card at the corresponding thing or to do the action eg, run, walk, jump as listed on the flash card. Here are some photos of what he did...

Clash of the Titans

Every weekday mornings from 7-9am, its warzone at home, what I would call the "Clash of the Titans", in a battle of will and lungs power between my dear son and my mum. Grandma has to handle the screaming boy who refuses to brush his teeth or eat his breakfast or bathe without putting up a struggle. Only on rare days when Josh wakes up in a super good mood then he will be cooperative. For most other days, it's screams of "MUMMY, MUMMY" versus "DON'T BE NOTTY" from the house.

Honestly, Josh's terrible behaviour is getting out of hand. From demanding things, whining, refusing to eat his meals without snacks or a toy, throwing his temper or crying over the smallest's getting a bit hard to control. The more you tell him not to do something, the more he will do it. He is also behind on his life skills, which is a result of his laziness plus being too pampered. At 2.5 years, he can't feed himself well without making a big mess, most of the time just playing with his food. He refuses to say when he wants to pee or poo, and always says no if we ask him if he needs to relieve himself, so diapers are still a must. Only a few months more to train him to be more independent before his baby brother arrives!