Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 17 November 2008

Sleepless nites for mummy & daddy

The first week when Joshton came back home was honestly HEAVEN. He slept most of the time, waking up just for milk and pooed immediately after he's fed. So we were thinking.... hey it's not that tough to take care of this little one after all! Then came the second week where our angelic baby turned into a little terror.....

Now everytime he opens his bright little eyes, he demands to be carried or he will just wail on and on. During the nite, we have to rock him to sleep everytime...once you think he's asleep and put him down into the cot, he wakes up and cries again (smart little fellow). Think my bones are going to break soon from all the carrying :(

My "bro" Mr H says that babies born via c-section tend to be more temperamental, which my gal friend says it's true, including babies not born "naturally", like for induced babies as well.

After sleepless nites, with panda eyes and tired arms, we finally surrendered and brought out the ultimate secret weapon - the PACIFIER! At least now we can get some rest and baby Josh seems to like the problem of weaning him off the pacifier next time.... will worry about that later!

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