Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday 17 September 2009

Preparation for Josh's birthday bash

Josh's 1-year old birthday is approaching soon in less than 2 months time, and I haven't really started planning for his birthday bash other than booking the venue. Will probably settle for this place called Sol Playground Cafe at Turf City, as the package includes deco & food (lazy mummy's easy way out). It's a cosy little cafe with an outdoor play area but the only worry is that it's a little out of the way and hard to find for the guests.

We plan to do a small party for close friends on the 25 Oct, Sunday and have a private family celebration on his actual birthday on 30th. The party will be kept small and simple, so no special theme too, as I think this is more for the parents not the baby!

Now I got to settle the birthday cake, goodie bags, invites etc .....gosh so much things on my to-do list! After his birthday, we will be going for a short trip to Japan without him....feeling guilty, but we really need a holi! :P I'm doing a 40-page photobook titled Baby Joshton's First Year Chronicles, to follow his journey and growth from birth till's a sneak preview of some of the pages.

1 comment:

Kittie-licious said...

You finally linked me!!!