Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 7 September 2009

Rise of the 10-month little terror

10 months ago my darling boy was just a tiny weeny 2.8kg, 50cm tall baby, but now he's 9kg, 75cm tall little boy. He can stand unsupported for 30 secs but not stable yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be around to witness him take his first step! It's really fun to play with him as he can wave bye bye (vigorously with both hands), clap his hands loudly, do hi-fives, and hold out his hand to shake yours. He knows where are his nose and ears and can say the last word of each sentence from his favourite song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Josh is so full of energy and poor Ah Ma has to chase after him all the time. Same goes for Daddy & Mummy...we will be so dog-tired every weekends. He is also such a drama king, one minute he can be crying with huge tear drops rolling down his cheeks and the next minute grinning away cheekily when he gets his way. One look at his cheeky face and you can tell he's going to be a mischievous little terror next time. A very worried Mummy is looking at the Super Nanny videos on Youtube now!

Daddy has taken some cute photos of Joshton taking his shower, but as this is a clean, healthy family blog, you won't get to see any of his naked butt shots :D


Kittie-licious said...

Yesh Terror!!! But a cute one right!

Josh's Mummy said...

Ho ho I think babies r created cute so tat parents will tolerate them!