Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 31 October 2010

Joshton is 2!!

Joshton turned two last Saturday. The little one really grows up very fast and it almost seems like yesterday when we had his 1-year old birthday bash.

On Friday, I brought a Winnie the pooh & friends chocolate cake plus goodie bags to his childcare for an early celebration with his classmates. Didn't manage to take any photos as I had my hands full with the notty little one...he was the only one running all over while his classmates obediently took their seats to start the celebration. SO EMBARRASSING!! Earlier on when I just arrived at the childcare, I could hear the principal screaming "JOSHTON" a few times upstairs (-_-"). Back to the birthday celebration, Joshton didn't know how to blow the candles and was instead sucking in the air, so mummy had to blow the candles for him. One of the older girls, about 4 years old, asked me why Joshton is so tall for a 2 years old. Well he definitely didn't get the tall genes from me!

Evidence captured of Joshton disturbing the activity and not sitting now!(photo taken off Cherie Hearts EK blogsite)

On Saturday, we just did a simple celebration having lunch with daddy's family at Jumbo Seafood at Dempsey and a short play session at an indoor playground. And on Sunday nite, we had a cake with mummy's family and Joshton loved the yummy mango cake and the huge strawberries. So it's a pretty private and simple affair this year, but nonetheless still a very special day for us :)

Wednesday 6 October 2010

I love my boys :)

Being the only female with a family of boys - dear hubby, dear son and of course not forgetting our cute and loveable dog, Snowy - there seems to be a constant competition to get my attention. I came to realise my boys are jealous creatures!

Let's start with our dog...Snowy always follow me wherever I go in the house. On days when Josh is back home, poor Snowy gets very jealous every time he sees me carrying Josh. He will try his best to come in between me and Josh or try to snuggle up to me. On weekdays when Josh is not around, I try to give him a little more attention by giving him a nice rub on the back.

Next up is Josh....just last weekend, we were playing around and listening to music on our king size bed. When Josh saw Daddy tapping his fingers to the music on my leg, he started whining and pushed daddy's fingers away. We didn't understand him at first, wondering why he was so upset, and the moment daddy resumed tapping his fingers on my leg, he started to push them away again. It was then I realised that Josh wanted mummy to himself, not even daddy could touch me! Amusingly, I recalled when Josh was 15 months, we tried to take some family photos using a timer. Everytime Daddy came back to join us on the sofa after activating the timer, Josh would push him away with his hands or kicked him with his feet. So we had a lot of NG shots before a good family photo was taken with Daddy holding on to Josh's feet!

Last of all, my big boy hubby....who is jealous of the dog! Everytime Snowy tries to snuggle up to me, hubby will roll up the newspaper to chase him away. Now my dog is super terrified of him...sigh!

I know my boys love me and I love them all too :)

Teary reunion

After 10 long days in Taiwan, I touched down last Saturday at Changi T2 at about 6.40pm. Daddy sent me an sms that he and Josh were waiting to welcome me back at the arrival hall. After clearing the customs on the way to pick my baggage, I was delighted to see Josh n DH at the other side of the glass panel. My dear boy broke into a smile immediately when he saw me...poor boy had viral fever for a week while I was away and I felt so terribly upset that I wasn't at his side.

I walked away from them to go pick up some things from the duty free shop and collect my luggage. I had envisioned a reunion with happy faces the moment I walk through the arrival gate, giving my son a great hug and lots of kisses. What greeted me were a dramatic sight of teary eyes with lots of yucky mucus flowing from his nose. Daddy lamented that the moment I turned away to get my luggage, he wailed super loudly and only stopped crying when I came out. Oh dear, guess my darling boy missed me as much as I missed him. And so with our family reunited again, we went home...and for the next 2 days I had a super sticky boy who wanted me to carry him all day long.