Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday 6 October 2010

I love my boys :)

Being the only female with a family of boys - dear hubby, dear son and of course not forgetting our cute and loveable dog, Snowy - there seems to be a constant competition to get my attention. I came to realise my boys are jealous creatures!

Let's start with our dog...Snowy always follow me wherever I go in the house. On days when Josh is back home, poor Snowy gets very jealous every time he sees me carrying Josh. He will try his best to come in between me and Josh or try to snuggle up to me. On weekdays when Josh is not around, I try to give him a little more attention by giving him a nice rub on the back.

Next up is Josh....just last weekend, we were playing around and listening to music on our king size bed. When Josh saw Daddy tapping his fingers to the music on my leg, he started whining and pushed daddy's fingers away. We didn't understand him at first, wondering why he was so upset, and the moment daddy resumed tapping his fingers on my leg, he started to push them away again. It was then I realised that Josh wanted mummy to himself, not even daddy could touch me! Amusingly, I recalled when Josh was 15 months, we tried to take some family photos using a timer. Everytime Daddy came back to join us on the sofa after activating the timer, Josh would push him away with his hands or kicked him with his feet. So we had a lot of NG shots before a good family photo was taken with Daddy holding on to Josh's feet!

Last of all, my big boy hubby....who is jealous of the dog! Everytime Snowy tries to snuggle up to me, hubby will roll up the newspaper to chase him away. Now my dog is super terrified of him...sigh!

I know my boys love me and I love them all too :)

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