Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 1 August 2011

33 months

Our dear boy has turned 33 months, just 3 more months from his 3rd birthday. I haven't thought of what to do for his birthday, other than doing a celebration at his school. And it will be just after the full month of his baby brother, who is arriving in Sep. Guess I will have my hands full in the coming months - new baby, confinement, getting keys to new house, renovation, full month party and Josh's birthday...phew!

At 33 months
Weight: 15 kg
Height: 95 cm
Milestone: Can read quite well. His favourite book for the moment is the Little Einstein Picture Dictionary, which he will bring to me every night to read together. At first we were wondering if he was just memorizing the sentences or really can read, so we tried new books and he could read them as well.
Every morning he will also take the Today's papers and look at the TV listings for the day or pretend to read.

He's now learning the names of the countries and loves to look at the world map. It's tough to teach him at times as I can't pronounce many country names, esp the Middle East and African countries are quite a mouthful. Surprisingly he has no problems rattling off long names like Azerbaijan, and can remember the countries names well by the starting alphabet, eg A for America, B for Brazil, C for Canada etc.

I am planning to set up a new blog when our 2nd baby is born and blog about our boys there instead on continuing on Joshton's Little World. This blog will be kept for Josh, so that he can read about his younger years next time.

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