Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 28 November 2011

Colicky baby + sick preschooler = Lots of drama

Plenty of drama happening at home last week. Josh had viral infection and was down with high fever, sore throat, cough and super cranky. He had very poor appetite and barely ate or drank. Even when the high fever subsided, he still refused to eat or drink except a bit of milk. I was pretty worried he would get dehydrated, so brought him to KK hospital to check if there was a need to put him on drip, but he finally drank some glucose water otw there. For the next few days, the fever was gone but he threw lots of tantrums and continued his food and water strike. Worst was he would cough till he vomited. So we had 2 merlions at home n lots of cleaning up to do :(

On Sun, we left Josh at MIL's place as he wanted to stay and didn't want to go home with us. Good thing is he is willing to eat over there, so hope it will help him to recover fast. 

Now is my turn to be sick.... must be virus from Josh... trying to rest more before he returns home tomorrow.

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