Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Baby's first crawling attempt

I'm just amazed at how fast our baby has grown. For the past month, he can roll easily from side to side and turn one full circle around. Today he started to push himself forward and attempt to get into a crawling position. Yesterday I was just asking hubby if we need to start baby-proofing the house and he thought it's too early. I suspect our boy will be an active kid, so before he gets more mobile, we better set up all the safety precautions soon, like covering sharp corners and power sockets.

Just bought a cute bumper playmat from Korea for Joshton's play area as a cushioning mat. He likes to do head slams on the mattress, so I am worried that he will attempt his head slams on the floor too. I was initially reluctant to get the playmat as I felt it was a little costly, and the cheap ABC foam mat would serve the same purpose. But after seeing Joshton cry when he knocked his head on the hard foam mat, I decided to invest in a good quality playmat for a peace of mind.

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