Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 4 May 2009

My little Jedi Master is 6 months old

My boy just turned 6 months last week. He's so much fun to play with and I totally adore tickling him to make him giggle and showering him with lots of kisses on his face. He loves music and his favourite nursary rhymes are "twinkle twinkle little star" and "10 little indian boys".

Joshton was down with high fever over 38 degrees last week. He had mild fever a week earlier, but I presumed it was due to teething, and my mum fed him barley water daily to cool him down. Only later it came to my knowledge that teething will not result in fever...would have brought him to the doc earlier if i have known that. Recently have been slacking in reading up and following the stages of his development. I will be more conscientious from now on!

Took some photos to mark his 6th month. These were taken after his bath, wrapped up in a hooded towel with a toothy grin. If you look closely, you can spot his two half-grown teeth. Doesn't he look like a cute little Jedi master? May the force be with him!

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