Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 9 November 2009

10 days away from my darling

We are flying tonight on a SQ A380 plane to Tokyo, leaving our dear baby in the care of Por Por. I am really looking forward to this trip as Japan has been one of my dream destinations for the longest time...planned it for honeymoon but in the end changed to US as daddy went there for work. But I am already missing my little one even before we will be a long 10 days away from him, constantly with him on my mind. Thank god (or the phone companies) for the wonderful creation of a camera phone, and I will be able to view his cute videos and photos whenever I miss him. My favourite video now is a recent one which shows him walking into his room, pointing at the stars pasted on the wall and saying "Star".

I know he is in the safe hands of Por Por, just a little worried that he might catch the nasty flu bug as both mummy & daddy are having a bad flu. Sigh, what a way to start a holiday! We will be back in 10 days with lots of cute stuff from Japan for little Josh :)

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