Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 22 November 2009

Super glue baby

After 10 longs days apart from baby, I missed him so terribly and was looking forward to seeing my precious boy. Every day while in Japan I was wondering how was he doing, was he eating well or healthy, and whether he would missed us (which we guessed he won't :( as he's so comfortable at Por Por's place and we being weekends parents).

I was hoping that he would be happy to see us and was visualising in my mind how he would rush to me to carry him.....sadly that didn't happen. 10 days apart did create a little distance and Josh seemed to shy away initially. Where is the warm and enthusiastic energizer bunny who comes running to us everytime we visit him? SIGH... that's my pay back for going away for a holiday without him.

Another repercussion of the 10 days away, Josh became super grouchy and very sticky to mummy, even ignoring poor daddy, who was trying haplessly to carry and play with him and was snubbed by his son. Maybe Josh was worried that mummy will go away again, so even when sleeping, he stuck like a glue to mummy, koala bear style.

I'm so happy to be with my baby again, but the attention and energy needed to look after him is really tiring! It's like a 10kg pack of rice strapped to you all the time. And plus chasing him around the house screaming "Don't touch this", "Careful", "Don't go there". I will be back to work tomorrow and most colleagues might be expecting me to look fresh and recharged after my holiday. Well, they will be seeing a worn out mummy with panda eyes!

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