Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 2 May 2010

18 months

After the 3 days at the childcare observing other kids, I came out with this assessment of Josh's development:

Social / EQ skills: Very poor - Josh is the only child and grandchild in the family, and he does not have much opportunities to mingle n play with other kids. He doesn't understand how to share or wait for his turn. He snatches toys from other children and throws tantrums when others take things that he wants. I definitely need to put more effort n attention to correct this behaviour. This is one of the main reason that I decided to put him at the childcare.

Gross motor skills: Below average - He still walks and runs on tip toes, which I hope he will grow out of it soon. At the indoor playground, he dare not crawl up the steps and obstables, and seems terrified to take the slide. The only thing he likes to play are the balls. Guess he's not a sporty child! He is also not confident to walk up steps. At 18 mths, he should be able to do so with support.

Fine Motor skills: Good - he's super good at picking up the smallest dirt on the floor (to mummy's horror) and likes to scribble and draw. He can stack up 5-6 blocks and fit simple puzzles.

Language skills: Superb - I think he is expert level with his ABCs, can recite without missing any letter, and say correctly any letters you point to him. He's moving on to A for Apple, B for Boy, C for Cat, D for Daddy, E for Z for Zebra. Except for a few letters like N, Y & X (which we thought the corresponding words are too hard, so didn't teach him yet), he can say out what each letter stands for. He can differentiate letters and numbers, eg saying "Letter A" or "Number 1". He can also recite 1-10 in English and Chinese without missing a beat.

Also starting to string words together, like "mummy over there", "mummy long hair", "joshton short hair" and singing a few continuous words in simple songs.

Physical growth:
Height = 83cm (his height development has slowed down, wonder is it cos he's fussy eater)
Weight = 11+kg
Hair = getting thicker, but still very sparse!

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