Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Doodles by Josh

Drawings done by Josh....guess that he's trying to draw :)

TV with buttons
 Josh was trying to draw a fish :) Looks more like a whale!
 Probably hard to tell that he was trying to draw a sun!
Snail drawing by mummy, words written by Josh
Words by mummy, cos he kept spelling it as "BAD"

Sunday 19 June 2011

Holiday School

Josh has been attending holiday classes at this place called Creative Thinkers, which is a 10 mins walk from home. They have different story themes each week, like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears in Week 1 and Gingerbread man for Week 2, and the kids will do learn stories, songs and do crafts related to the theme. Josh came back with gingerbread cookies decorated by him, and many crafts done in the classes. He seems to be enjoying the classes, except the feedback from the teachers that he does not participate in song and dance. Yet at home, he will be singing and hopping around all day. 

Last Friday, our notty boy created some trouble at school. He sneaked into the office area and started playing with the number codes of the safe. And guess what, he managed to crack the 4-digit code and reset the pin number! And the teachers can't open up the safe! Hope he won't be a hacker next time :P

So it will be back to Little Wings next week. I'm thinking of starting him of some music classes when he turns 3, so will source around if there is a music school near our new home.

New Home!

After months of spending weekends going for viewings, we finally settled down on a new house! Although it's a downgrade in size from our spacious 5-rm to a 93 sqm 4-rm, and one level closer to earth, it still boasts a fantastic view just like our old place. It's not as convenient as having a mall and mrt / bus interchange next door, but there is a coffee shop and small NTUC downstairs with all the ATMs, and 10-15 mins walk to the mall. Timing wise it's quite ideal as the sale completion will be end Sep and we can renovate and move in after our number 2 is born.

We have been hesitant to pay for a premium price with high COV all these months, but prices just keep creeping up, in spite of all the talks about them softening soon. But this house meets all our various conditions (high floor, good view, good condition, amenities) and hard to come by, so we decided to bite the bullet. Almost didn't get this unit as we were facing off and having a price war with a Chinese PR couple, but thanks to our lucky baby (being pregnant has its advantage!), the seller's agent helped us to secure the unit with the seller.

Now it's settling the loans stuff and thinking about renovations to keep me busy before baby 2 (haven't decided a name for him yet) arrives!

 View from our new home :)

Friday 10 June 2011

Funny moments

2 funny moments to share :)

At night when Josh is trying to sleep, he will always toss and turn around, flipping his pillows and bolster for a good 30 mins before finally settling down into sleep. Once he accidentally tossed his leg and hit Daddy sleeping beside him, who very roughly brushed his leg aside. And when I asked Josh to say good nite....
Josh: I don't want to say good nite to daddy
Mummy: Why not?
Josh: I'm not feeling very happy
It's the first time he's being so expressive!

Another time, Ah Gong tried to sing a lullaby to Josh and...
Josh: Sing the lullaby to baby next time (his baby brother). Joshton is no longer a baby.
Talking like a big brother now!

Family trip to the zoo

2 weeks ago, we had a family outing with grandma & ah yi to the zoo. We went on a weekday and took leave as it was difficult for Daddy to get a weekend corporate pass. Except for an hour of heavy rain when we were at the elephant show, the weather was cloudy and cool for the whole day, which was absolutely perfect for strolling outdoors. We also took a boat ride on the river, which was quite a pleasant journey.

Here are some nice animal photos taken by Daddy and the funny faces of our mischievous boy.