Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 19 June 2011

Holiday School

Josh has been attending holiday classes at this place called Creative Thinkers, which is a 10 mins walk from home. They have different story themes each week, like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears in Week 1 and Gingerbread man for Week 2, and the kids will do learn stories, songs and do crafts related to the theme. Josh came back with gingerbread cookies decorated by him, and many crafts done in the classes. He seems to be enjoying the classes, except the feedback from the teachers that he does not participate in song and dance. Yet at home, he will be singing and hopping around all day. 

Last Friday, our notty boy created some trouble at school. He sneaked into the office area and started playing with the number codes of the safe. And guess what, he managed to crack the 4-digit code and reset the pin number! And the teachers can't open up the safe! Hope he won't be a hacker next time :P

So it will be back to Little Wings next week. I'm thinking of starting him of some music classes when he turns 3, so will source around if there is a music school near our new home.

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