Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday 10 June 2011

Funny moments

2 funny moments to share :)

At night when Josh is trying to sleep, he will always toss and turn around, flipping his pillows and bolster for a good 30 mins before finally settling down into sleep. Once he accidentally tossed his leg and hit Daddy sleeping beside him, who very roughly brushed his leg aside. And when I asked Josh to say good nite....
Josh: I don't want to say good nite to daddy
Mummy: Why not?
Josh: I'm not feeling very happy
It's the first time he's being so expressive!

Another time, Ah Gong tried to sing a lullaby to Josh and...
Josh: Sing the lullaby to baby next time (his baby brother). Joshton is no longer a baby.
Talking like a big brother now!

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