Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday 2 October 2011

Di Di has arrived on 30 Sep!

We are proud parents again to a lovely little boy, who arrived on 30 Sep morning weighing 2.98kg. Had wanted to try for natural this time, so I waited and waited till baby was 3 days overdue. However my cervix was still closed and the amniotic fluid level was getting low, which is a sign of an aging placenta, so we had to go for a c-sec again. I was feeling rather emo on the way to the hospital and had almost wanted to back out, as this was probably my last chance to try for the birth experience. Anyway it was more traumatizing this time compared to the first one, maybe partly because of my emotions, but the most important thing was that baby was delivered safely :) And yes, we have not decided on a name yet, so it's still "Baby" at this moment! 

Joshton has upgraded to a big brother status, so hope he will be a caring kor kor to his di di. When he first came to visit mummy and baby at the hospital, he was very quiet and was trying to comprehend what was happening. Even though we had been telling him that Di Di was coming, I guess it is a different thing when he finally sees the baby. We have prepared presents for Josh to give to Di Di and from Di Di to Josh when we get back home tomorrow, so hope that helps Josh to bond to Di Di better!

"Baby" has a slight resemblance to Josh when he was born 
but think he takes after more of mummy than daddy. Josh was a "mini-me" of daddy!

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