Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 17 October 2011

A family of 4 'Js'

40 weeks of pregnancy, 3 months of morning sickness, 6 months of chronic insomnia, suffered bad migraines, backaches and leg cramps, a nerve racking fright when my blood test results during the 4th month came back with a high risk of birth defects, plus being cut up for the 2nd time and the painful recovery....all these were worth it when I see and cradle this beautiful baby boy in my arms.

After 1.5 wks of calling him "Baby", we finally settled on a name for #2 - Jaxton. We almost went for 'Javier', but hubby found it a common name with kids nowadays and it didn't sound close to 'Joshton'. Some people had problems pronouncing 'Joshton', so I am also expecting some folks to mispronounce #2's name as 'Jackson'.

Only just 2 weeks old, Jaxton seems to have a strong character....calm on the outside but actually very feisty inside. When nicely settled (not hungry n in mummy's arms), he's very calm n zen like with his favourite 'Sleeping Buddha' pose. But when he's hungry or wants to be carried, he will cry the house down with high pitched cries till his voice is sore.

Sleeping Buddha pose

The main difference between first born and 2nd child is that we spent lots of attention fussing over #1, like bathing him twice a day, putting massage oil, sing lullaby to make him sleep; now time is split between #1 & #2, so barely enough time to do anything more than feeding and changing diapers. And of course, #2 does not have the luxury of new things but using old stuff from #1... but thanks to our nice friends n colleagues for the baby gift sets, Jaxton has some new clothes. (funny that most of the gift sets are sesame street!)

Joshton is giving me a big headache with his behavior, following me like a shadow, always shouting for mummy and ends up disturbing Jaxton from sleeping. Will tell more in another post if I can find the time :( hands full n tied n extremely tired!

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