Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Fun @ Polliwogs on Josh's Birthday

On his birthday last Friday, both mummy & daddy took leave to celebrate this special occasion with little Josh. As we have been singing "Happy Birthday" song to him for the last 2 weeks, he knew that he should clap his hands at the end of the song when we had a mini celebration at grandma's place.

After munching the yummy mango birthday cake, we set off to Polliwogs at East Coast. Polliwogs is much smaller than Fidgets at Turf City, but it has an additional outdoor play area. Entry on weekdays allows you unlimited play, while entry on weekends is limited to 1.5hours. Josh seemed a bit hesistant and lost at first, but soon warmed up to have some fun! Here are some shots taken there:

1 comment:

Kittie-licious said...

Hey, finally more updates!