Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday 12 May 2010

3 magic words - "Say bye bye"

From a few months back, I've been trying to teach Joshton to keep his toys and books after playing. But on most occasions, they turned into dramatic episodes of tantrums and tears as he stubbornly refused to cooperate, even thou he knew what was expected of him. I would handle it calmly and tell him in a firm tone repeatedly or just walk away if he starts his tantrums.

I haven't had much success till recently when I changed the way of asking. The magic words? - "Say bye bye"... Here's what happened last weekend:

After playing with his building blocks, I told him "Say bye bye" and started to put one block into the bag. He followed suit immediately and kept all his blocks.

Next I tried the same way on his animal flash cards. Usually he would throw them all around his room. So I started with "Say bye bye to your animals", picked up one of the cards, said "Bye bye rabbit" and put the card into the box. And voila...he picked up the cards one by one, said "bye bye (animal name)" and slotted them into the box. Yay!:D

Josh's bath time usually stretches to 30 mins, as he would play with the foam alphabets and bath toys n refuses to come out of the tub. So I decided to test the magic words again. And it worked perfectly! He was such an angel, putting back all his bath toys into the bag and came out of the tub when he was done.

My boy is not quite the obedient type and most times he will do the exact opposite of what you asked him. With this method, he didn't feel that I was telling him to do this or that. It also gives him notice that it's time to move on to something else.

Next milestone for me is to teach Josh his P's and Q's....still cracking my head for a good way to work around that!


Kittie-licious said...

Haha, this works for Kitlyn too. She will say bye bye to whatever we are packing up whenever its time to pack up. You can tell him this too "Lets pack up, lets pack up everybody everywhere" followed by Say Bye Bye.

Everytime we say the magic words, the little girl will spring into a pack up mode. Every good little help.

Kittie-licious said...

As for the P & Q. It takes time. But cannot force. What I did was, whenever I needed something, I will tell my hubb P & Q and explain it to her. I guess its teach by example. The more we do it the more they will learn its correct. Now she will say P & Q willingly without throwing any tantrum :)