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Monday 19 April 2010

Annoying Antics

This is a stress releasing post from mummy....just to grumble about the annoying antics (AA) from my son that can sometimes drive me crazy!

AA No 1: TV addict
Nowadays the first thing after his milk feed upon waking up, is to demand "Go Out" from his cot. Once mummy carries him up, he will point to the door and say "There" and will lead you to the sofa in living room. Next he will pick up the TV remote and start pressing. If he didn't manage to press the correct power on button, he will turn to mummy and say "TV, Cartoon" and will whine like mad if I say no. Sometimes I just give in to him...cos it's 7am in the morning and mummy is still in a zombie mode. So I will take a quick nap while he watches his playhouse disney channel for 30mins.

AA No. 2: Spitting out his food once he's full
This is an irritating bad habit. Once he has enough of his food, he will still open up his mouth to accept the next spoon, and before you know it, spit it out all over his clothes and plays with it, and then cheekily tells you "mess". GRRRR....

AA No. 3: It's a battle to change his diaper
I just can't understand why changing diaper can be such a painful task since young. He just refuses to keep still and even push my hands away when I try to undo the diaper. I can only guess it's because my mum always wash his butt in cold water with each diaper change, which he hates.

AA No. 4: Terrible One & a Half
Whining and demanding things or food that he likes (points to fridge and say "Biscuit" or points to bread and say "Peanut" to have bread with peanut butter or "Milo" when he wants to drink it), if wish is not fulfilled according to his command, the tantrum monster appears. Can't imagine what is to come in the terrible twos.

It's definitely not easy to be a parent and even with all these AA that I have to bear, I still love my little darling more than anything else in the world.

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