Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Can't believe that Josh is turning 18 months soon and will be starting childcare in May. Will relate more on the CC in my next post.

My little boy has made good progress in picking up words. We are really amazed that he could recite A-Z on his own, without missing any letters. And if you ask him how to spell his name, he can say J-O-S-H-T-O-N! He likes to learn new words and read new books, so guess he's going to be a bookworm next time (hopefully not the nerdy type!). I can't decide if he's more introvert or extrovert...with his impish face and his hyperactive dashing round the whole house, he doesn't seem like an introvert child, yet the moment he's out of his comfort zone at home, he refuses to walk and wants to be carried all the time. Even at the playground, he just looks apprehensive and reserved and doesn't want to play, when most little boys I see would turn into little monkeys there. Hope he will open up more once he starts mixing with other kids at the CC.

We made an interesting discovery 2 weeks ago...he could finish off the last word of each stanza for more than 15 nursery rhymes. Even a long song like On Top Of Spaghetti, he could remember as well. Last weekend he just kept repeating e-ai-e-ai-o like a broken recorder.

Just remembered another interesting incident that I would like to share....few weeks back, Josh was flipping through a magazine at por por's place and came across a picture of a family having dinner. He pointed at the old folks and said "Gong" & "Ma", which is how he calls his grandparents, and pointed to the parents and said "Daddy" & "Mummy". Nobody was taught him the concept of a family, so I was really stunned that he could relate to that on his own.

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