Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday 26 April 2010


Last Sat at lunch, my sis reported that recently my mum has been giving Josh goat's milk sweeties to keep him happy whenever he throws his tantrums. And she noticed he has been throwing tantrums more and more often in a bid to get the sweeties. I was absolutely flabbergasted as it's rewarding him for the wrong behaviour!

Not long after, we experienced first hand how feisty he has become...he couldn't take his nap since we went out for lunch with my mum & sis, so was already behaving a little snappy. After we came home and forbaded him to play with the Pooh & friends dancing figurines (daddy's toys from Japan), he flew into a rage, wailed non-stop for an hour n cried himself to sleep. He refused his milk feeds n slept throughout from Sat late afternoon till Sunday morning, going almost 17 hours without food n water. *shake head*

Last nite when we sent him back to my mum's, I complained to her about his outburst, and said that he "发脾气"....n this little imp actually repeated "发脾气" back to me. *roll eyes 2x*

I just hope to convince my mum that sometimes you have to ignore him and let him cry. Then only he can learn that rewards come with the right behaviours.

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