Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Easter Weekend

Josh was down with fever over the weekend, a side effect from the MMR vaccination a week ago. So my plans for a fun Easter holiday to Fidgets and Botanic Gardens were pretty much dashed.

Cos of his fluctuating temperature, he was quite lethargic and grouchy with very poor appetite in the day. But in the middle of the night, he woke up at 1am and turned into an energetic bunny, refusing to sleep till 4am! I had to play with him and watch an hour of playhouse disney before he finally got tired.

On Sunday, we went to my in laws place for lunch, and Uncle Jeff bought a red Ferrari F430 Spider ride-on car for Josh. Gosh this must have cost Uncle Jeff a couple of hundreds. The car looks like this, without the sports stripes.

He is still too young to play with it as the car comes an electronic accelerator with a speed of 5km/h, so more suited for kids 5 years up to to able to control the speed. Haha next time he will be the coolest boy and zoom around at the void deck to attract little mei mei in the neighbourhood :D

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